Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Amanda Wan - Question 7

Question 7 – Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Comparing our final media product with our initial preliminary task, I have realized that my ability in using both the camera and the equiptment, the skills in editing and my general knowledge in filming and editing have improved immensely. 

Our preliminary task was an exercise to demonstrate the basic knowledge ad skills we had about filming and our understanding about the rules of filming including the 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot, editing technique such as match on action as well as the importance of continuity which was actually very difficult to comply.

For example, the natural lighting of the setting can change very quickly, our preliminary task had inconsistent lighting where parts of it was very gloomy and dim and others were normal.We have also experience other problems during our preliminary task such as the sound which was very low and quiet which made it very difficult to hear the conversation between the two characters.
We have experimented with the rule of shot reverse shot and the 180 degree rule which is usually applied when two characters are having interactions with one another on opposite sides and in my opinion, was quite easy to achieve, however we did not apply these techniques in our final media product as it did not consist of any conversation between characters.

Another technique which we have practiced was match on action, this is a film editing technique which the action cuts from one shot to another view that matches the first shot's action, giving a continuous flow.  We did really well with the match on action editing so it was a technique which we as a group felt really confident of using in our final media product.

The preliminary task also allowed me to gain a chance in learning how to edit. As I have never used an editing software before, I found it extremely hard to use. Personally I think that it is the most difficult aspect in creating our media product as well as being the most important aspect. Smooth editing is very important as prevents the audience from noticing the cut between shots. 

Through the preliminary exercise, it also gave me a chance to practice using the camera and getting used to the way it works as I have never used a video camera before. Other filming equiptments were also used such as the tripod, the crane and the tracks which allows the camera to move smoothly.   

Overall I think that the progression between our preliminary task to our final media product was a very successful one, it has helped me to identify my strength and weaknesses when working with the camera, equipments, as well as my filming and editing techniques.   

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