Tuesday 3 May 2011

Amanda Wan - Question 4

Question 4 – Who would be the audience for your media product?
Our media product is aimed at mainly female teenagers ranging from 15 to 21, most probably still in education. This is because the setting of our media product is based in school, as well as the fact that the issue which the storyline revolves around is about stalking which some female students may experience to some degree and therefore our audiences can relate themselves with the storyline.

Also, the main character and the audience are in a similar age group and may therefore share a similar lifestyle and interest which makes the character much more "real" and believable; this can enforce the realism of the storyline which audiences can associate themselves with the character making them more engaged to the film.

As our media product is a psychological thriller, it is either fall into the 15 or 18 categories as it is very likely that it would include drug use, violence, abusive language and sexual content, therefore it is very important that our media product has a suitable certification so that our film is appropriate for our demographic to watch.

Looking at BBFC(British Board of Certification) statistics for film works processed in 2011, the majority of the movie certification granted was category 15, and the least being category 18. This means that if our media product was certified as an 18 our targeted group of audience would decrease dramatically as our media product is aimed at 15 - 21 years of age. Furthermore, from the guidelines provided from the BBFC website, elements of drug use, violence, abusive language and sex can be used moderately in appropriate context which still allowed us to include those elements.

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