Tuesday 26 April 2011

Ellie Grainger Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

In our perliminary it was very rough compared to our final peice. We had many problems for example the sound was very low, there was aslo irelevant things within the show like our bags. In our perliminary task we shot alot of footage to choose for the best of our footage to then edit. However, what worked really well in our perlminary task was our match on action, so as it was a skill we was confident with we also added similar match on action to our final thriller opening 'Broken Beauty'.

This is our Preliminary Task, in which we have experimented with the use of continuity editing. The techniques of match on action is used to create a sense of continuity as the action in  shot is completed in the following shot. Match on action is used to generate a smooth transition between two shot when an action is taken. This is what we found worked very well in preliminary task and wanted to also use it in our final peice.

By our final peice I learnt how to use the equipment properly inorder to achieve a smoother camera shot and link different shots into one another without it being shakey or distorted in any way, like in the perliminary when we didnt have a tripod to turn the camera we put the camera on a bin to see if it would help but was still very shakey. By our final peice we knew what we had to do to get it right so we used a tripod, tracks and a crane to acheieve much smoother shots.

When we learnt how to edit our perliminary helped us have more skills in order to make our final peice to the best of our abilities we was able to make smoother cuts from different scenes and make it smooth for when we produced our match on action. Istead of our final peice being really long we was able to cut it down  to make it look much better and have things go from one shot to another to keep our audience intrested.  However there was some shots that we didnt cut down to much to our narrative would be hinted to our audience and our main characters was introduced.

A big problem in our perliminary task was the sound we had trouble with as we couldnt hear our characters very well as they was both was talking quietly and there was other digetic sounds within the footage. In order to improve this in our final peice we made sure our characters where louder and we eliminated all digetic sounds that were not needed on i-movie. We also added in some non-digetic sounds such as music so there would not be no empty spaces of sound throughout some parts of our final peice, as it was a thriller the music was used as a build up and to create tension.
I think that our perliminary task was useful in helping us learn how to use all the equipment and learning how to do the editing. It was also useful so we could see what skills we was good at in order to use them in ur final peice and what skills we had trouble with in order to build on them or not use them at all. Also by doing our perliminary task we learnt the rules of filiming for example the 180 degree rule. Our perliminary task made us learn from the mistake we made in our perliminary task, such as by our final peice we moved everything that was irelevant for our film out of the shots so we didnt have to reshot again after we relised. 

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