Friday 8 April 2011

Alicia Mack- Evaluation Question 1

Q1 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of film openings)

Title of the film- ‘broken beauty’ we thought that our title related to our story as well as hints to the fact that our movie is a thriller, the typography is cracked to connote to the title and theme of our thriller.

Setting/location- we were limited to keeping our location on school site, but this worked in our favour as our story was focused on her being stalked at school, also the school had the facilities which we needed onsite which may have been difficult to get permission to film in off-site i.e. dance studio and darkroom.

Our choice of location uses typical conventions of thrillers; the stalker developing pictures in a darkroom, our main character dancing in a studio.

Costumes/props- the sartorial codes that we implemented also challenge typical conventions of complex female characters in thrillers, usually show these characters are shown as obsessive and delusional (image 2), we decided to show our main character as a shadow of former herself (image 1) which is not always typically shown.

We also depict our character as the popular girl (image 3), which shows the audience her fall from grace as the audience see her at her worst at the beginning of our thriller.

Camerawork/editing- we used typical editing techniques such as dissolves to show the link between scenes these are typical of the thriller genre. We used the crane to create an over the shoulder shot to create a questionable atmosphere with our stalker developing pictures of our main character.

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