Monday 31 January 2011

Prodcut research (Donnie Brasco)

We decided to analyze the opening of Donnie Brasco because it incorporates aspects of stalkers and voyeurism which we plan to apply to our psychological thriller.

The extreme close up of the eyes implies that someone is watching the characters depicted and being watched, this creates an uneasy and tense atmosphere among the audience. The eyes look angry which creates connotations of violence within the movie; the audience expects the movie to contain violent scenes as it has been foreshadowed in the opening.

The dissolve to the next shot creates a line between the eyes implies a split personality or hidden secret, the dissolve between images connotes to a movie reel suggesting that the characters every move are being watched, in detail.

There are quick cuts between the movements of the characters this suggests that someone is taking pictures of them and showing implications that they are being spied on. This also creates a movie real effect.

The wide shots in reels suggest the characters are being watched, which reinforces the idea that someone is taking pictures of them and watching their every move even when they having a private moment i.e. when they are in their house by the pool.

The circling of the characters suggests they are targets which relate to the gangster theme of the opening, it is suggested to the audience that they may targeted to be killed or spied on, connoting to danger and violence within the movie

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