Monday 28 February 2011

Test shot

This is a demonstration of a tracking shot in which we have used equipments such as tracking wheels and tracking pipes to achieve a smooth movement of the camera. We are planning to apply this technique in our opening sequence in which we will show the character is being followed.

Friday 25 February 2011

Location shots

Dance studio-shows the location that we plan to shoot scene one, this location is ideal as it has the space for our character to dance , also the the mirrors add to the movement of the character; the lights also allow the room to be lit so we can film.

Drama hall- shows a possible location for scene one as it has lighting that we can adjust to create a different atmosphere, unlike the space which only has digetic lighting.

Science corridor- the white walls and bright lighting create a sense of tension and the idea of of a pyscho ward, the room has white walls which make the room seem empty causing a feeling of isolation.

Darkroom- shows location of the area where our stalker develops the pictures of our main character, it shows the lenght the stalker will go in his obsession by having his own darkroom to develop the images he has taken.

These images show the area where the sudience see the stalker behind our main characte, the open space will make it look as she is alone and create an atmosphere of isolation.

Story Board

Thursday 17 February 2011

Product Research(Ginger Snaps)

We decided to analysis ginger snaps as our product research because it has an sense of things not being as they seem, even though the movie is a horror it has themes that we want to include in our psychological thriller.

  • The moving image of the girl turns to a still creating tension amongst the audience as it looks as if some on has taken a photograph but the audience do not know who or why, also it creates a sense of things not being as they are seen as 'photographs' are set up.
  • The images of dead young girls are disturbing to the audience this is because the images are gory and contain lots of blood, the audience do no know why they have been killed creating curiosity also the audience are not sure whether to believe that the girls are dead due to the opening when the images were being set up; laughter throughout the opening also confuse the audience as it does not connote to what is being shown on the screen.
  • The low key lighting, faded colors and out of focus shots are applied to create a surreal atmosphere throughout the opening, the faded colors and low lighting unsettles the audience as they do not know whether to believe what they a being shown or not which further confuses the audience
  • The typography is Gothic and narrow relating to the Gothic style and sartorial codes established in the opening, the music is slow and tension building, the Gothic style anchors the images and typeography shown.